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Understanding Aussie Terms – For Migrants All Over The World

G’day mate! I’m sure we all know a cheeky Aussie in our life. Perhaps even married to one? They might be using terms that can’t be found in our vocabulary like “Bodgy”, “No wozza” or maybe even “Arvo”. No matter how charming Aussie’s can be, we definitely want to know what exactly they’re talking about.

If you’re a migrant living in Australia or abroad who are not familiar with Aussie slang and wants to understanding Aussie terms, below are a couple of words you definitely need to know. Aussie Language 101:

Aboriginal = Indigenous people/tribe
Aerial Ping Pong = Australian rules football
Aggie line = French drain
Aggro = Someone or something that’s aggressive/shows aggression.
Air con = Air conditioning/conditioner
Ankle biters = Kids/children
Arvo = Afternoon
Avo = Short for avocado
Backpacker = A foreigner who likes living like nomads
Banger = Sausage
Barby = Short for barbecue}
Bathers = Swimsuit
Bench = Counter/table that’s especially in the kitchen
Bikie = A biker/ Or someone who rides a really big bike
Bikkie = Cookie/buscuit
Bloody = An alternative of a curse word to show affection/aggression. i.e “He’s bloody gorgeous.”
“Bloody oath” = An expression used to stress a point or an opinion
Blow in = Someone who is uninvited
Boardies = Boardshorts worn by surfers.
Bonnet = Hood/engine end of a car
Booger/Sponger = Boogie/body boarder. Also called “sponger”.
Boot = Trunk end of a car.
Bottle-o = A liquor store
Bowls = Lawn bowling
Brekkie = Breakfast
Brisvegas = Nickname for Brisbane, Queensland
Brolly = Umbrella
Bub = Baby
Bucks = Bachelor party
Budgy smuggler/ballhuggers = Speedo/swimming trunks for men. Also called “ballhuggers”

Bum = Butt
Bush = Rainforest/any foresty-area.
Bushie = Somebody who lives in the bush
B.Y.O. = Bring your own
Cakage = Corkage
Canadian passport = A mullet hairstyle
Centre = Center
Cheque = A personal bank check
Cheeky = Saucy; bold; smart-alecky
Chemist = Pharmacy
Chewie = Chewing gum
Chippy = Carpenter
Chook = Chicken
Chrissy = Christmas
“Chuck a sickie” = Call in sick to work/day off
Cleanskin = An unlabelled bottle of wine which usually costs a lot less.
Coathanger = The Sydney Harbour Bridge
Colour = Color
Cook top = Stove

Cordial = Flavored liquid concentrate that you add water to, similar to Kool-Aid
“Couldn’t be bothered” = Something Aussies say when they don’t want to do something: “I couldn’t be bothered going to the supermarket today.”
Cozzie = Swimming suit
Cracker = Something that’s great
Crook = Ill or sick
Cubby house = Outdoor playhouse for children
Cup Day = Melbourne Cup.
Cuppa — A hot beverage
Dag = Someone who doesn’t dress well and/or has unrefined manners.
Dead horse = Tomato sauce
Dear = Expensive
Defo = definitely”
Diarrhoea = Diarrhea
Docket = Receipt or bill
Dog’s breakfast = A mess
Dog’s eye = Meat pie
Doona = Duvet.
Dummy = Pacifier
Dunny = Toilet
EFTPOS = Electronic Funds Transfer at Point of Sale.
Ensuite = Master bathroom
Entree = Appetizer
Esky = Ice cooler
Exy = Expensive
Fag = Cigarette
Fair dinkum = Genuine/true
Fairy floss = Cotton candy
Feral = Someone who lives like they’re living out in the wild.
Fibre = Fiber
Flanno = Flannel
Flat out = Busy
Flat mate = Roommate
Flat white = Coffee with milk or cream.
Flavour = Flavor
Fly screen = Window screen
Foot path = Sidewalk
Fortnight = Once every two weeks
Fussed = Bothered
“Get stuffed” = Go away/get lost
“Going off” = Something that’s going extremely well
Good on ya = Great job or well done.
Grannie flat = A separate living accommodation

There you have it! Those are just a couple of terms that Aussie use in a daily basis. If you’re planning to visit or migrate in Australia, this will truly help you in your Australian experience.

Moreover, we at Migration Mantra has over ten years of outstanding migration service. We know the visa processes inside out and will help set you off on the right track from the very beginning and follow through till the very end. We are a migration consultancy firm that helps facilitate all Australian immigration relocation needs from people across the globe. We have extensive knowledge and experience in all types of Australian visas. From document compilation and preparation, acting on your behalf to liaise with the Immigration Department, visa application submission and to post visa submission follow up, we help and guide you from the beginning till the end. We’ll take your stress away so that you can focus more on other important aspects of your life.

Please feel free to contact us or visit our office.


Springfield & Ipswich Branch:
75 Angelica Avenue,
Spring Mountain QLD 4300.